I hadn’t eaten anything so being violently ill was extremely painful… after this episode, I sucked on a starburst (it’s what was close) to get the taste out of my mouth and in about an hour it started all over again. It was this knot in my chest that hurt so bad… then seemed to grow and grow (ever so slowly) until it was time. I couldn’t keep anything down… clear liquids, beef broth, tomato juice (which is supposed to be a sure bet… it always stays down)… nothing. I was getting so upset because I knew that the baby was starving inside of me (not to mention probably dehydrated as well) but I couldn’t do anything about it. It was terrible. Jason was seriously considering taking me to the hospital because we didn’t know what else to do.
Suddenly, I had an idea. Why don’t I try something solid like crackers? I know I can’t hold liquids down and that’s supposed to be the first step, but maybe the problem is partly being caused by this post nasal drip thing I’ve got going on here… and maybe something solid would absorb that a little. So, Jason went out to the kitchen and came back with Goldfish Crackers… Meanwhile the next knot had already been forming and growing so I was a little nervous to try the crackers quite yet, but I did it anyway…. I was amazed!
With each cracker I ate, the knot grew smaller and smaller again and finally disappeared… I hadn’t been without that stomach pain since the morning so I was finally able to sleep for a few hours (on the floor of my closet, right outside the bathroom where I had moved…). Ah, man I was quite a mess… and still feel pretty horrible but now it’s only full-body achiness, severe headache, and congestion. That’s NOTHIN! (not compared to last night, anyway).
Let’s hear it for Jason, my mom, and Pepperidge Farm!!!
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